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Integral Eye Movement Therapy

What is integral eye movement therapy?

Integral Eye Movement Therapy is a cutting edge therapeutic method that helps individuals process and release unresolved memories and emotions. By focusing on guided eye movements, I.E.M.T. can bring about rapid and lasting changes in a person’s emotional state.

Key benefits of I.E.M.T.

Anxiety Reduction:It helps to alleviate symptoms of anxiety by addressing the route causes.

PTSD Relief: Provide significant improvement for those suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

Emotional Regulation: Enhances the ability to manage and regulate emotions effectively.

Overall Mental Well-Being: promote a greater sense of mental clarity and peace.

How I.E.M.T. works: During the session Lesley will guide you through a structured process that involves specific eye movements while you focus on particular memories or emotions. This technique helps in accessing and reprocessing stored memories, facilitating the release of negative emotional states and the resolution of psychological issues.

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